Who decides
what is "normal"?

See the film trailer
Produced by:

in co-production with
Shades of Ebony
Our film

Art of sin trailer v8.5

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About Ahmed
After coming to Norway as a refugee, Ahmed Umar has become a renowned artist. Proud of his roots, his art mixes Sudanese and western influences.
"The Art of Sin"
In the film “The Art of Sin”, director Ibrahim Mursal has to face his own deeply ingrained prejudice while following Ahmed’s journey. With a deeply religious background, he struggles with his own cultural concept of masculinity.
Screen the film
We premiere the film at Bergen International Filmfestival on the 11th October 2020, we will after that screen the festival at NORDIC DOCS 2020 in November 2020. Before launching a worldwide festival tour.
"The Art of Sin" is a documentary exploring how an identity is built. Specially when one part of your identity is in conflict with another part.
The film is a conversation starter, touching on various themes: Identity, masculinity and love.

Why this story
What happens when two parts of your identity are in conflict with each other? This was the question I started to explore four year ago. This film is a journey across worlds and cultures, art and religion, identity, gender and love. In a world being polarized with each social media post, an honest and humble conversation can do wonders, getting us out of our dogmatic worldviews. This film is one of those conversations.